
Hi, I’m Mia Chen, a self-taught web developer with 3 years of web development experience living in Montréal. I started learning HTML and CSS while in grad school for an English PhD to build WordPress sites for conferences and such. My JavaScript journey began in 2016 (an [interesting time in JavaScript history](https://hackernoon.com/how-it-feels-to-learn-javascript-in-2016-d3a717dd577f)).

After, I worked remotely for Tail Risk Analytics, a data science consultancy startup based in Singapore for three years. My main role was developing an MVP for a data-sharing web platform. Most of my work was on the front end, which used React, React Bootstrap, and Apollo Client, but I also helped with the back end, which used Express and GraphQL. We used Git, Github, and Pivotal Tracker for collaboration.

In my free time, I like to run a lot, and I enjoy preparing and eating vegan food. I’ve been into nerdy stuff my whole life. Currently, I am seeking employment opportunities.

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