Mia Chen

  • Front-End Web Development
  • React, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3


Hi, I’m Mia Chen, a self-taught web developer with 3 years of web development experience living in Montréal. I started learning HTML and CSS while in grad school for an English PhD to build WordPress sites for conferences and such. My JavaScript journey began in 2016 (an interesting time in JavaScript history).

After, I worked remotely for Tail Risk Analytics, a data science consultancy startup based in Singapore for three years. My main role was developing an MVP for a data-sharing web platform. Most of my work was on the front end, which used React, React Bootstrap, and Apollo Client, but I also helped with the back end, which used Express and GraphQL. We used Git, Github, and Pivotal Tracker for collaboration.

In my free time, I like to run a lot, and I enjoy preparing and eating vegan food. I’ve been into nerdy stuff my whole life.

The End!

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